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Selecting An Electrologist

COPE National provides valuable information, which enables the consumer to choose an electrologist as carefully as they would any personal service provider.

  • Do not hesitate to have a consultation in more than one, electrolysis office.
  • Take as much care as you would in selecting your physician, registered massage therapist or any other personal service provider.
  • There should be a displayed certificate from a school that specializes in electrolysis training.
  • Certificates of continuing education, and certification, such as C.P.E. or C.C.E. Int.,
  • The electrologist should be a member of a provincial/national association. NOTE: These certificates should bare proof of current active membership.
  • The electrologist must uphold their provincial Infection Control Standards and Guidelines, or the Canada Health Infection Control Standards and Guidelines.
  • The office should be clean, private and comfortable, with equipment and technology to support safe and reliable service.
  • During your confidential consultation, questions should be answered fully, to your satisfaction. Take advantage of this time to assess the office and the electrologist. An informed decision, is a right decision.
  • When receiving your electrolysis treatments, you should not feel a tweezing sensation with all treated hairs. Occasionally a slight drag will be felt, as the hair is lifted from the follicle. The reason for this is these hair roots are extremely large, distorted, or in telogen stage. When another hair is produced that follicle will require further treatment.

The technician inserts a small surgical-steel wire (called a filament) down into the hair follicle and releases a mild electrical impulse for a fraction of a second. This acts to destroy the papilla at the base of the hair follicle with a pair of forceps.
It is not possible to entirely seal off the roots of all hairs in one treatment. There is regrowth and repeated and regular treatments are required. As treatment progresses the papilla is weakened and the hairs become finer. When sterilization is complete, the base of the follicle is closed off from its blood supply (the hair’s source of nutrients) and is incapable of ever producing a hair again.

Are there different forms of electrolysis?
Yes. There are actually three different types using two different kinds of electrical current.
1.SHORT-WAVE: also called “thermolysis”. This method uses high frequency current (radio waves) to produce heat which is used to destroy the follicle base. This is a very fast and popular method.
2.GALVANIC: also called “electrolysis”. This was the first form of permanent hair removal invented and is the reason all permanent hair removal is now referred to as electrolysis. This method uses galvanic current to cause a chemical breakdown of the salt water in your skin the form lye. The lye then destroys the follicle base. Although this method is very effective it is also very slow because it takes a considerable amount of time for the necessary reaction to occur.
3.BLEND: blend uses a combination of both currents. It uses the heat produced by short-wave to speed up the chemical reaction produced by galvanic. The resulting method is higher than thermolysis but is very effective on problem hairs.
Is electrolysis really safe?
Electrolysis is safe. With a qualified technician you have nothing to worry about. Electrolysis treatment is highly recommended by the medical profession.
Does electrolysis hurt?
Each individual tolerance level varies. Some people find it uncomfortable while others are able to sleep during treatment.
How long will treatment take?
This really depends on the individual and the kind of hair that is present. Well hydrated skin, ample water daily, and regular set appointment make the difference.

Temporary methods of hair removal (tweezing, waxing, etc.) stimulate hair growth and make these hairs more difficult to treat. Also, certain areas of the body are more delicate and must be worked on at lower intensities. The most important thing to remember is that regular treatments are essential. The papilla is much easier to destroy in the early stages of growth—before it has reached its full depth.
What is the cost involved?
Again because cost varies with treatment time it is almost impossible to estimate a precise cost. Consultations are usually given free of charge. At this time electrolysis can be explained to you in great depth and the Electrologist can make a better analysis of your hair growth.
Is age a factor?
No. Unwanted hair can develop at any age, and anyone, regardless of age can be treated. Parental approval may be required for anyone under 16 years old.
Can you contract Hepatitis, AIDS or any other disease through electrolysis?
Not if your Electrologist is taking proper preventative measures. Most offices today are using either disposable filaments or an individual filament system (one wire per client). In the latter cases the system used may vary. Some offices will ask you to pay for your filament, other’s will supply them; some offices will keep them with your records, and others will ask you to carry them with you and bring them for your next appointment. Either way these filaments are yours alone. At Skin Sense we dispose of them on site and use a new one each and every treatment.
Also, take a look around the office, especially the treatment area; judge it as you would your doctor’s office. Is it clean? Good sanitation is essential—for your health’s sake.

What causes excessive hair growth?
There are many different reasons for superfluous hair growth. It may be of racial origin or it may be inherited, it may be hormonal or it may result from different medications or illness. It may also be an acquired problem caused by the methods that stimulate hair growth.
Whatever the cause, unwanted hair is a very common problem; one that is shared by 85% of all females and 25% of all males.
How do I find a good, qualified and certified Electrologist?
Considerable training, experience and skill are essential for safe and permanent hair removal. Electrologists’ who are members of an Electrolysis association have been screened to ensure their credentials are valid and competitive. Members must pass both a written and practical examination. Contact (C.O.P.E National) for a list of the qualified Electrologists in your area


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